University of Applied Arts Vienna
Speculating on Inner-Urban-Densification
Workshop with Kathrin Aste und Benjamin Ennemoser
The Vienna Housing and its typical block building, many of them from the period of the Gründerzeit, are structures with diverse qualities. To make the projects more characteristic and increase the relation to its context, we propose to visit the site till next Monday and detect its specific qualities. It is important to recognize that the urban fabric is not only a result of the contours of its massing, but also from structures, textures, openings, windows, patios, stairs and other elements.
To get more diversity and tectonic complexity in the projects we would recommend to perceive the blocks more fragmented. On Monday, the new data should be selected considering one´s specific concept. On Tuesday morning at 10:00 am a review takes place.
In the second half of the week the deepening and extending components should find their way into the design. In how far these elements get reinterpreted, replaced, deformed or simply visualized is a matter of design choice. It is the aim to make a sort of DNA in every project readable. On Thursday morning at 10:00 am, the second review takes place.